For the 2021-22 school year, the CIRCLE Progress Monitoring System on CLI Engage offers many child progress monitoring tools and reports to aid teachers and schools in instructional planning and data analysis. The following information was developed in collaboration with the Texas Education Agency to assist organizations using CLI Engage to select child progress monitoring measures that meet state guidelines, provide rich data for schools and communities, and help teachers support children in the classroom.
Prekindergarten data is due to ECDS by Thursday, June 23, 2022. Data can be entered beginning November 8, 2021.
The following table shows the CIRCLE Progress Monitoring measures that will be required for the Early Childhood Data System (ECDS) for the 2021-22 school year. The measures for this school year have not changed since last year. For complete reporting to ECDS, organizations must assess the measures listed below at beginning-of-year (known as Wave 1 in CLI Engage) and end-of-year (Wave 3) in prekindergarten classrooms. CLI Engage’s XML export tool automatically creates a report of all required data for uploads into ECDS in the following CIRCLE Progress Monitoring measures. Review the CPM Recommended Measures document for more information.
The following table shows all available CIRCLE Progress Monitoring measures on CLI Engage. CLI and TEA strongly recommend using the following bolded measures in your prekindergarten classrooms at multiple timepoints throughout the school year to capture a more complete snapshot of children’s development. Review the CPM Recommended Measures document for more information.
This document was last modified on: September 15, 2021